Profile picture for user Maggie55
Margaret B. Caregiver

New to group

Hi my husband has just had his lvad 4wks today we have been having hard time as he has had a few hick ups . Just felt needed to chat to some one in simular situation many thank . Margaret x
Profile picture for user grandmadank
Linda K.

Not sure what hiccups you have had but my husband has had his LVAS (the Heartmate 3) for over a year now and we have been very lucky (although I really believe it has a lot to do with being very compliant with the rules). If there are any questions I might be able to answer for you, I would be happy to try.
Profile picture for user Maggie55

In reply to by Linda K.

Margaret B.

Hi thanks for your reply . The hick ups I mentioned were soon after his lvad was fitted. It happened when they put him back on to beater blockers . It made his right side of heart enlarge then he went into AF and had to have ablation . They have now managed to get this setteled . He is now home and we are learning how to cope with day to day living. Thank you again for the reply so nice to know there is someone else out there x
Profile picture for user StaceyPotter37

In reply to by Linda K.

Stacey P.

I see that your husband has had the Heartmate 3 for a year. Was your husband part of a study that he was able to get a Heartmate 3? Stacey Potter
Profile picture for user Maggie55

In reply to by Stacey P.

Margaret B.

Hi Stacey my husband has only had his lvad for 6weeks so we are just learning to cope with day to day living .
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I am a caregiver. My husband was the first Heartmate 3 recipient NOT in the clinical trial. He received it last Halloween, 2016. It's a huge learning curve and I am a Professor of Nursing! But we have taken a cruise last June and just returned from 8 days in Seattle to visit our Granddaughter. We adapt day by day as he is not eligible for a transplant (for many reasons). I'd like to hear from someone who has had an LVAD for several years. I'd be happy to answer any questions from newbies.
Profile picture for user mehubert
Mark H.

I just got rid of my heartmate 3 a month ago. I got a new heart. Day-to-day hiccups will happen to all most all of us at one point or another. Just learning how to deal with them and keeping your Vad team in formed is the key.