You may be concerned about the costs associated with an LVAD and how they will affect your personal finances.

Insurance Coverage

In the United States, both FDA approved and unapproved (clinical trial) LVADs are reimbursable by The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and most private insurance companies. Outside the United States, coverage and fees for LVADs vary. Check with your hospital's financial counselor or your insurance company for further details.

Most insurance plans also cover the cost of the equipment that you’ll need to maintain your device and the supplies needed for the driveline dressing change.

For specifics about coverage for your LVAD surgery, LVAD device, and related supplies, the best sources of information are:

  • Your hospital's financial counselor and or social worker
  • Your insurance provider

Going Back to Work

Once you have fully recovered from surgery and adjusted to life with your LVAD, you may be able to return to work. Your LVAD team can advise you on whether and when you can expect to go back to work, and what modifications you or your employer may need to make to your work routine. If your job involves heavy physical labor or dangerous conditions and your doctor determines that you can not return to work, you may qualify for disability. If you do require disability, your hospital's social worker can assist you with this process.