Profile picture for user Miming Ape
Francisco A. Friend

Inspiring patients

Which patient inspires you the most?

Profile picture for user LVADone
Michael-Joshua M.

Great question. For the Last 2 years i have been in contact with many LVAD Patients/Recipients from around the world. Many to choose from because they are all heroes in their own journey... offer strengths and insight/perspectives that no other could see. However if i had to choose one Patient/Recipient (I am an LVAD Patient when I am in the hospital or getting my check ups with my LVAD Team/Cardioliology Team AND an LVAD RECPIENT ALL other times :-})...but if i really had to choose ONE patient who inspires me the most? It would be the LVAD Patient/Recipient i am in contact with at any given moment on any given day past, present and future! In my opinion... We all are inspired and draw from eachother as one. :-) Josh