Profile picture for user zcomman
Ray R. Recipient


I am 52 years old and got my LVAD, am worried I won't be able to go back to work. I am a computer network tech and my heart is at 10-15 percent and was told while I have this heart pump can only lift 15 pounds. Has others went back to work after getting their pump?

Profile picture for user hope
sheila k.

YES, YOU CAN GO BACK TO WORK!!!! My husband had an lvad 8-13-12, and he is driving and working. He gets tired, and works at his own pace, but the whole idea if for you to get stronger with the lvad. It takes time but it will help you in the long run. Just need to make some adjustments in every day life...Hang in there..

Profile picture for user hope
sheila k.

Dear Dave,

My husband has been very very lucky. He has a desk job, and his company has been wonderful with the support he has received. I so thank God for that. So if you have a job that involves heavy lifting, you should get a letter from your doctor regarding what you can and cannot do. And, with the Lvad, you should be feeling so much better, you can resume your job, if ok with md, that requires little physical, and more desk related work. If that is possible. Good Luck!! Hope this helps. Know it isn't easy. Are you looking for work or do you have a job now?? What is your specialty? You never know what is around the bend so to speak. May have to be creative. Hope