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Angela B. Recipient

Everyday Is A New Day

Hello LVAD Family, 

I hope you all are reading this in the best of spirits. Just felt like uplifting someone day and to let you know that you are NOT ALONE! I know things get hard, you get sad, you get depressed and you may even want to give up but please please stay in the fight! Continue to put one foot in front of the other. When your are feeling at your low MOVE..move from that low spot even if it’s just to the other room. If you can’t talk to anyone talk to a journal (get those thoughts and feelings out). Some pages of my journal have scribble scrabble (pain and anger tht day), some pages look blank but they are filled with tears. Some pages are filled with all my joy and blessings and you also have us! REACH OUT! Caregivers this is for you also. It my not seem like it but we see you, we hear you and you are VERY MUCH appreciated! Sending love and hugs to everyone. Every day is a blessing and we are blessed. 🤗 🥰